Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year....!!! Huh...!!!

New year turned out to be pretty peaceful for me, had a peaceful time at home, watched a couple of movies, had a couple of pegs of vodka and slept my way to glory....!!!

Watched this piece of news in TV about the molestation of two girls in Mumbai by a mob. Felt really ashamed to be in this ruthless society, where women are treated more as a meagre commodities for pleasure. Just wanted to say something to those ruthless bastards, if there is so much itch inside you then you bastards should try your hand at your mothers and sisters. Inspite of such hullaboo created about the issue, what the police and authorities can do is just watch and give statements that "these kind of incidents keep happening in the society". Man, is this the kind of society where you wish to see your future generation flourish.....!!! No matter what, castrating such bastards shouldn't be made a crime.

and yeah....probably this is just another passing news item for the crowd.....!!! but it does hurt to see and hear such gory incidents, and it hurts even more when you know that you are helpless....!!!