Friday, March 8, 2013

Enroute to understand, what makes people especially the ones from the "brighter" side post such photographs on the social networking space... is it their confidence on their looks, is it their knowledge in photography, is it their misconception about their personality, is it because of the ever ready junta who likes and comments about anything and everything they post, or do they have serious attitude problems (as someone truly said, biatch is not about gender, it is an attitude !!!), or are they poop heads, or is it the screw up fairy in disguise, or is it their i-can-carry-this shit attitude.... whatever it is, its high time it should be made legal to beat them to death....

Side look Singaris - what ever the occassion, where ever I am, who ever am with, I am the beauty who'll always put my side profile at display with a dastardly retardly head tilt with an i-am-the-tooth fairy bitch look ! (Oh.. you are the bitch.. not sure about the tooth fairy though)

Love 'bauds' - My babe-My baud-I-will-cling/kiss/hug-and-make-u-vomit cases. What is it with you people...on a better note why don't you make a porn video for discovery channel ! To top it all..."what's bothering you... you feeling jealous'aaa..." kinda look.. !!! Ommala...Saavukraaki !!!


Namrata said...

"Make a porn video for Discovery channel" lol!! Hilarious!!

Prema said...

Maga.. One helluva blog... I like the open/strong say it right on their faces..I mean WOW.....
Wish we could say right in front of their faces too....
waise porn video was the ultimate.... !!!! ha ha ha ha