Monday, March 11, 2013

I have been thinking a lot... lately. And a lot at that...thinking of something that is beyond the comprehension of a Pulitzer or Nobel... !!! Over the time, I think I have started to judge people... Ask Namrata, and she would confirm by nodding her head from north pole to south pole. I have been constantly degenerating from comfortably numb to numb to sensitive to being ruthlessly insensitive to being intolerant to short tempered to sarcastic to narcissistic to unsocial to antisocial... more in the lines of decomposition of Carbon, but to say the least ...carbon atleast has allotropes.... (I know... mokkai joke.. !!!)

Hypothetically (ask me honestly... practically :-) !!!)... if you keep love out of the equation... why .. because some wise man has said "love is a mirage, as is weightloss"... so when you keep it out of the equation... you come to realize there’s no point spending too much time on your girlfriend because one day you will grow up and realize she’s too childish for you to be in a relationship with her... ;-) !!! That you also got flowers, cards, chocolates.and the "chui mui" teddy bear... would look plain silly... to say the least corny... !!!

I cringe... lose sense... feel like a species from the fifth dimension when I see over doting wifey's and hubbie's public display of affection. "You know there has never been a day, when I have had food before my Ji comes home... what ever time it takes I wait for my Ji" and the guys doting love towards the wife with the constant touchy feely affection... what's with this wu shu's finger hold all the time !!! Cant't especially tolerate the ones riding pillions on a scooty with their doting bichezzz banging the bike onto someones' car....!! My little presence of mind tells me you guys should be slapped right there, kicked in your balls, and pulled your mushes off... and everytime you pass by you should be greeted with lound chants of "mothafuckkrzzzz"   !!!

Okay.. top it all.... I am still trying to hold on tight to my sanity... so help me... help me help myself.... !!!

1 comment:

Namrata said...

This is what happens when ur priced suv gets its first dent!!! All is not lost though :)